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Life Congruence Coach Certification

Become a Life Congruence Coach

Become a Life Congruence Coach, through an approved programme by the internationally recognised International Coach Federation (ICF), as a Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Programme.

Who Should Attend?

  • Anyone who feels called to coach
  • Anyone who cares deeply about coaching and wants to start a career in coaching
  • Individuals who want to be masters of their own destiny and wish to develop to their full potential
  • Human Resources Practitioners
  • Those with influential roles in organisations; and
  • Coaches who have not yet completed a holistic Life Coaching Programme.

What will this programme help you achieve?

This Programme will enable you to become a fully certified Life Congruence Coach with all the rights and entitlements that this accords to you, meaning that you can use the title to offer your coaching services to others, market yourself accordingly, use our methodologies, tools and logos and become a part of our alumni family of world-wide coaches.

Additionally, you will have:

  • Developed and honed key coaching skills including establishing trust and relatedness, how to “dance in the moment”, ask impactful
  • questions, listen actively and with genuine empathy, access your own intuition and knowing, use direct communication positively
  • and create awareness for the coachee to go from where they are, to where they want to be;
  • Practised and internalized the ICF core competencies;
  • Learned to use our coaching methodologies to facilitate conversations fluidly;
  • Practised and adopted tools that make coaching fun, transformative and insightful; and
  • Realized a deep understanding and sense of purpose for your role as a coach.

Our Coaching Philosophy

  • Mind-body is part of the same system and influence each other.
  • We are not broken, we work perfectly well except that our past conditioning, life experiences and mind games keep us from living our best lives.
  • As we focus on our choices we are able to take our power back.
  • There is never failure, only feedback.
  • We all respond to our perception of reality, and not reality itself.
  • Our options are never limited.
  • We can model excellence and genius when we break the task down into small enough chunks.  If someone has done it before, then it is a human possibility, and then you can do it too; and
  • We all have all the resources we need, it is just that we need to learn to access, harness and strengthen them.

What you get at the end of the Programme

At the end of the Programme, you will be issued with:


  • The Saraswati Coach Academy International Life Congruence Coach Certificate
  • A certificate of completion as authorised by the ICF stating your CCE units completed for renewal of your ICF credential or to progress towards next levels of certification
  • This means that delegates would be accumulating the necessary training hours towards an ICF credential, should they wish to pursue this, subject to them applying independently to the ICF and fulfilling the practical and application requirements.

What is required of you to obtain this Certificate?

As stipulated by the ICF, full classroom attendance, including the completion of all practical work, is required.

Who is the International Coach Federation (ICF)

The objective of the ICF is to build, support and maintain the integrity of the coaching profession.  It is dedicated to advance coaching globally by furthering the art, science and practice of coaching professionally.

Our Teaching Methodology and Timeframe

The programme is designed around 32 classroom hours and 4 self-study hours. Training activities take place during the programme – it is experiential in nature and blends theory with practice to holistically address self-development, effectively setting you up to apply all you have experienced and learned in real coaching situations. It will ensure that you can confidently and seamlessly apply new learning and growth in real coaching situations.

We interface visual material, self-reflection exercises, practical coaching exercises and real-time coaching observations with the course content, and in so doing, anchor learning outcomes sustainably.

The programme will run over two concurrent weeks, on given days as follow:

Thursday evening 17:30 to 21:30
Friday evening 17:30 to 21:30
Saturday 08:00 to 17:00;
Sunday 08:00 to 17:00;
Thursday evening 17:30 to 21:30; and closing off on
Friday evening 17:30 to 21:30.

In which language are classes

Classes are conducted in English.

The Programme Structure and Outline

The Programme is comprised of 5 Modules and are interrelated and integrative by nature.

Training is scheduled over six (6) days (36 hours).

Programme Outline:

Day 1: Module 1: The Foundation of Coaching including ICF Core Competencies
Day 1: Module 2: Coaching Tools: Bag of Tricks
Day 2: Module 3: Self-Mastery
Day 3 and 4: Module 4: Life Congruence Coaching Methodology
Day 5: Module 5: Pro-forma Documentation, Checklists and Assessment Material; and
Day 6: Coaching practise
Change & Transformation Coach Certification

Become a Change & Transformation Coach

Become a Change and Transformation Coach, through an approved programme CCE (Continuing Coach Education) by the internationally recognised International Coach Federation (ICF).

The objectives of this Programme and what you would gain from it.

The objectives are to ensure that leaders, change agents, human resources practitioners and individuals are change fit. The coach training focuses on developing the coach’s ability to help his/her coachee adapt to changing situations and environments – in so doing ensuring that the coach first becomes change adept themselves. Significant insight is generated around the psychology of change, resistance to change and to find ways to meaningfully address fears about change, the impact of change and to transform thinking and behaviours about change.

Who Should Attend?

  • Accredited coaches who require continuing education and training for credential renewal or ongoing personal development
  • Line Managers and Human Resources Practitioners
  • Those with influential roles in organisations
  • Teams directing innovation, change and system implementation in their businesses
  • Consultants delivering consulting services to their client companies
  • Psychologists, Counselors and Therapists in practice who need additional tools when working with change dynamics; and
  • Life Coaches who find that they are in need of further knowledge and understanding to bring about personal transformation in others.

What will this programme help you achieve?

This Programme will enable you to become a fully certified  Change and Transformation Coach with all the rights and entitlements that this accords to you, meaning that you can use the title to offer your coaching services to organisations who need to bring about change of one kind or another, market yourself as a change specialist, coach individuals through personal transformation in life-transitioning circumstances such as divorce, death, retrenchment and retirement, and use our methodologies, tools and logos and become a part of our alumni family of world-wide coaches.

Additionally, you will have:

  • Developed and honed key coaching skills including establishing trust and relatedness, how to “dance in the moment”, ask impactful questions, listen actively and with genuine empathy, access your own intuition and knowing, use direct communication positively and create awareness for the coachee to go from where they are, to where they want to be;
  • Practised and internalised the ICF core competencies;
  • Learned to use our coaching methodologies to facilitate conversations fluidly;
  • Practised and adopted tools that make coaching fun, transformative and insightful; and
  • Realized a deep understanding and sense of purpose for your role as a coach.

Our Coaching Philosophy

  • Your mind is the most powerful thing in the Universe
  • You can control your reaction to change by becoming responsive and pliable
  • You are never a victim of change
  • You are created to stand outside yourself and observe your reaction to events and circumstances around you, including your own thinking about it and how to transform it
  • You are created to recognize and choose the thinking that would enable change and empower you to bring about meaningful and lasting change
  • You have infinite capacity for change
  • You are free to make choices on how and where to focus your attention; and
  • Inner change takes place over time through consistent persistence.

What you get at the end of the Programme

At the end of the Programme, you will be issued with:

  • The Saraswati Coach Academy International Change and Transformation Coach Certificate; and
  • A certificate of completion as authorised by the ICF stating your CCE units completed for renewal of your ICF credential or to progress towards next levels of certification
  • This means that delegates would be accumulating the necessary training hours towards an ICF credential, should they wish to pursue this, subject to them applying independently to the ICF and fulfilling the practical and application requirements.

What is required of you to obtain this Certificate?

It is beneficial to have completed the Life Congruence Coach Certification.

As stipulated by the ICF, full classroom attendance, including the completion of all practical work, is required.
Our Teaching Methodology, Programme Content and Timeframe

The programme is designed around 28 classroom hours and 2 hours of self-study.  All coach training activities take place during the programme – and ensures that you can confidently conduct change coaching once your coach training is completed.

The programme is theoretical and experiential in nature and blends theory with practice to succinctly address all the coach training requirements; effectively setting you up to apply all you have experienced and learned in real coaching situations whether these be in an organisational context or with an individual client.

We interface visual material, self-reflection exercises, practical coaching exercises and real-time coaching observations with the course content, and in so doing, anchor learning outcomes sustainably.  You are also provided with reading material on change management and bringing about culture change in current business environments.

This programme is therefore uniquely suited to anyone who needs to understand or manage change as part of their job roles.

This programme will run over two concurrent weeks, on given days as follow:


Thursday evening 17:30 to 21:30
Friday evening 17:30 to 21:30
Saturday 08:00 to 17:00
Sunday 08:00 to 17:00 and
Thursday evening 17:30 to 21:30.

Special notes

  • We will be scheduling this programme during a work week should this be requested by a sufficient number of delegates. Please query this with us should a weekday schedule suit you best.
  • Additionally, this Programme is available as an in-house course and can be customised to meet the organisation’s objectives specifically.

In which language are classes conducted?

Classes are conducted in English.

The Programme Structure and Outline

The Programme is comprised of 3 Modules and are interrelated and integrative by nature.

Training is scheduled over five (5) days (32 hours) over a period of two weeks.

Days 1 & 2: Module 1: Change Theory, Culture Change Theory, the Art of Managing Change
Day 3: Module 2: Coaching Tools: Bag of Tricks and practical Change Coaching Exercises
Day 3: Module 3: Change Coaching Methodology
Day 4: Module 4: Real-time Coach Practise, Pro-forma Documentation, Checklists and Assessment Material;  and Observed Coaching Sessions
Day 5: Personal Transformation
Leadership Effectiveness Coach Certification

Leadership Effectiveness Coach Certification

Become a Leadership Effectiveness Coach, through an approved programme by the Saraswati Coach Academy International as a Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Programme.

The objectives of this programme and what you would gain from it

This programme is designed to support executive and senior management in their roles; to enhance their ability to lead with distinction and clarity so that they guide the business with strategic and tactical thinking and thought leadership and to unleash their unique and authentic ability to inspire, motivate and improve overall business performance.

Who Should Attend?

  • Qualified coaches who have a passion for leadership and want to coach in this field as specialists
  • Leaders and Human Resource Practitioners
  • Corporate in-house coaches requiring further training; and
  • Consultants delivering consulting services to their client companies.

What will this programme help you achieve?

This Programme will enable you to become a fully certified Leadership Effectiveness Coach with all the rights and entitlements that this accords to you, meaning that you can use the title to offer your coaching services to others, market yourself as a specialised Leadership Coach, use our methodologies, tools and logos and become a part of our alumni family of world-wide coaches.  You will particularly have learned how to relate to leaders at all levels across various industries and, if you are new to the leadership field, would have come to understand the many complexities and dynamics faced by leaders today.

Additionally, you would have:

  • Developed and honed key coaching skills including establishing trust and relatedness, how to “dance in the moment”, ask impactful questions, listen actively and with genuine empathy, access your own intuition and knowing, use direct communication positively and create awareness for the coachee to go from where they are, to where they want to be;
  • Practised and internalised the ICF core competencies;
  • Learned to use our coaching methodologies to facilitate leadership conversations fluidly;
  • Practised and adopted tools that enhance the leader’s ability to be more impactful, effective and influential; and
  • Realised a deep understanding and sense of purpose for your role as a coach, whether this be internal or external to the organisation.

Our Coaching Philosophy

  • Everyone possesses unique qualities that are brought to people and situations to make a difference
  • We can learn, grow, heal and develop new skills and attitudes if we need and want to
  • All that you need you have within you, waiting to be recognised, harnessed and developed
  • You contain within you unlimited potential
  • Our world manifests the constructs of our minds and it can be no other way
  • All leadership begins and ends with self-leadership
  • We can be truly ourselves and be successful
  • You give birth to that on which you fix your attention and intention
  • To perform at our highest energy, to have and hold peak performance requires deep and resilient motivation; and
  • Therefore, love the work you do.

What you get at the end of the Programme

At the end of the Programme, you will be issued with the Saraswati Coach Academy International Leadership Effectiveness Coach Certificate and would receive 30 CCEU’s points towards further coach education and development.

What is required of you to obtain this Certificate?

It is beneficial to have completed the Life Congruence Coach Certification and the Change and Transformation Coach Certification. Full classroom attendance, including the completion of all practical work, is required.

Our Teaching Methodology and Timeframe

The programme is designed around 28 classroom hours and 2 hours of self-study. All coach training activities happen during the programme – and ensures that you can confidently conduct leadership effectiveness coaching once your coach training is completed.

The programme is theoretical and experiential in nature and blends theory with practice to succinctly address all the coach training requirements; effectively setting you up to apply all you have experienced and learned in real coaching situations whether these be in an organisational context or with an individual client.

We interface visual material, self-reflection exercises, practical coaching exercises and real-time coaching observations with the course content, and in so doing, anchor learning outcomes sustainably.  You are also provided with reading material on global leadership trends and development.

This programme is therefore uniquely suited to anyone who wants to enhance their own leadership competence and capacity, or anyone coaching in the leadership field.

This programme will run over two concurrent weeks, on given days as follow:

Thursday evening 17h30 to 21h30
Friday evening 17h30 to 21h30
Saturday 08h00 to 17h00
Sunday 08h00 to 17h00; and
Thursday evening 17h30 to 21h30.

Special notes:  This programme can be scheduled during the week if requested.

Additionally, this Programme is available as an in-house course and can be customised to meet the organisation’s objectives, specifically where the business wants to establish an internal coaching facility.

In which language are classes conducted?

Classes are conducted in English.

The Programme Structure and Outline

The Programme is comprised of 5 Modules and are interrelated and integrative by nature.
Training is scheduled over five (5) days (30 hours).

Days 1: Module 1: Coaching within the leadership context, leadership coaching foundation
Day 2: Module 2:   Leadership theory and competencies, global trends and developments
Day 3: Module 3: Leadership Effectiveness Coaching Methodology, Coaching Tools: Bag of Tricks and practical Coaching Exercises
Day 3: Module 4: Self-leadership and Personal Mastery
Day 4: Module 5:   Real-time Coach Practise, Pro-forma Documentation, Checklists and Assessment Material; and Observed Coaching Sessions
Day 5: Continuation of real-time coach practise, do’s and don’ts
Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery

What is this programme about?

The programme, which stretches over 2½ days, is conducted in a nature setting and involves the three brains, motivational and self-inspired exercises, mindfulness meditation practice, music therapy, peer coaching, and the unlocking of critical and dynamic tools for self-reflection, self-measurement and forward thinking goal-setting and planning.

It invokes all aspects of the individual and is holistic and integrated by nature. Large focus is placed on honing one’s purpose, talents and strengths and on understanding what it is that one is born to do. It brings about reflective questioning on the stories that have been lived that may no longer be serving – and how to craft a new script for the inner and outer journey onward.

Who should attend?

The Personal Mastery Programme is for individuals who want to grow at a deeply profound level and who is questioning whether they are fulfilling their full potential. It has been attended, with profound success, by leaders of all walks of life, individuals learning to become life coaches or anyone seeking self-enrichment and self-development, and heightened states of awareness and consciousness that unlocks enhanced purposeful living.

Programme content include:

  • Understanding your true self
  • Finding your life purpose and your reason for being
  • Discover what makes your heart sing
  • Define a compelling vision and creating meaning in your life
  • Align your work with your bliss
  • Creating a life goal and being clear on your mission
  • How we create our realities
  • The power of congruence; and
  • How to run your brain.

How is the programme conducted and how often is it held?

The Programme is run over a weekend and involves a Friday evening, 17h30 to 21h30, and Saturdays and Sundays, 08h00 to 18h00.

The Personal Mastery Programme is run every alternate month in a nature setting. Class numbers are kept intimately small in order to allow for access to our life coaches who are facilitating the programme. A registered psychologist and wellness coach certified in nutrition is available upon request. The dress code is comfortable whilst a therapeutic setting is created. Meals served include healthy options.

Please check our events calendar for the next scheduled programme.

What you get at the end of the Programme

You will be issued with a Certificate of Completion and delegates who wish to ulitise their attendance towards the achievement of further professional CCEU points will receive 21 points through the Saraswati Coach Academy International.

What else do I need to know about this programme?

This is an intensive programme that will require deep reflection. Preparatory work includes a written self-assessment and pre-reading.

How much does the Personal Mastery Programme cost?

The cost is R7,800.00 / $525 and covers all materials, meals and related expenses. At least a 50% deposit is required prior to registration confirmation and full payment must be made before programme commencement.

Advanced Personal Mastery

Advanced Personal Mastery

What is this programme about?

This is an advanced personal mastery programme and involves the invoking of enhanced levels of holistic excellence. Large focus is placed on masterful leadership of self and others, purposeful action, congruent being and doing, living in flow and balance, exceptional resilience, conscious choice-making and harnessing of the inner powers.

The programme, which stretches over 2½ days, is conducted in a nature setting and involves a range of provocative self-reflection exercises, trust circles, mindfulness meditation practice, music therapy, peer coaching, and the unlocking of critical and dynamic tools for continuous self-measurement. As with all our programmes, it invokes all aspects of the individual and is holistic and integrated by nature. It is an advanced programme and focuses at deeper levels on mental, spiritual, emotional and psychological wellbeing so that the individual is equipped to, in a state of inner harmony, captain his/her journey.

Who should attend?

The Advanced Personal Mastery Programme is for individuals who want to grow at a deeply profound level and who is questioning whether they are fulfilling their full potential. It has been attended, with profound success, by life coaches, counselors and psychologists or anyone seeking further self-enrichment and self-development. The natural outcome of this programme are heightened states of consciousness and awareness in action that create desired inner and outer realities. Although this programme is open for attendance by anyone, it is recommended that the Personal Mastery programme is attended in preparation of the advanced programme.

Programme content include:

  • My ego, my enemy
  • Healing ourselves
  • Beliefs and Imprinting
  • Working with mental frames and meta-states to deliver to my highest potential
  • Brain-based emotional regulation
  • How to influence as opposed to being influenced
  • Exceptional Resilience
  • Knowing, Being, Doing; and
  • The Art of the Samurai.

How is the programme conducted and how often is it held?

The Programme is run over a weekend and involves a Friday evening, 17h30 to 21h30, and Saturdays and Sundays, 08h00 to 18h00.
The Personal Mastery Programme is run every alternate month in a nature setting. Class numbers are kept intimately small in order to allow for access to our life coaches who are facilitating the programme. A registered psychologist and wellness coach certified in nutrition is available upon request. The dress code is comfortable whilst a therapeutic setting is created. Meals served include healthy options.

Please check our events calendar for the next scheduled programme.

What you get at the end of the Programme

You will be issued with a Certificate of Completion and delegates who wish to ulitise their attendance towards the achievement of further professional CCEU points will receive 21 points through the Saraswati Coach Academy International.

What else do I need to know about this programme?

This is an intensive programme that will require deep reflection. Preparatory work includes a written self-assessment and pre-reading.

How much does the Advanced Personal Mastery Programme cost?

The cost is R7,800.00 / $525 and covers all materials, meals and related expenses. At least a 50% deposit is required prior to registration confirmation and full payment must be made before programme commencement.